How to Create a Free Blog on Blogger in 4 Easy Steps and Make Money

  • Post category:Blogging
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The internet is quite clearly the greatest invention of the last 100 years or so and brought about profound changes to even the most mundane of tasks. New businesses and avenues have opened up for people. It is now possible for an individual to run a lucrative business from his home’s comfort as long as he has a computer equipped with the internet. This brings us to the subject of blogging.

Millions of people maintain their own blogs nowadays and share their thoughts with the rest of the world. Although the number of blogging platforms has gone up exponentially over the past decade or so, it cannot be denied that Blogger still remains one of the most popular platforms.

It was the first big-ticket blogging platform and still remains immensely popular. Over the past decade and a half, thousands of people have found their voice through the platform and many have gone on to generate steady incomes. Here is a look at the 4 easy steps by way of which you can create your own blog and then hope to make money from your blog posts.

1. Creating Your Blog

This is the first step to your career as a money-making blogger and although it looks like a fairly straightforward process, you should devote a lot of thought to it. Blogger makes it easy for anyone to set up a blog. You can use your e-mail address to set up your blog. However, the whole thing becomes much easier if you have a Gmail account. If you don’t have one, then it is better to create one and then go about creating your blog.

Once the account is set up, you need to choose a name for your blog. You need to come up with a unique name for your blog. If the name is already taken, then it would be indicated in the form. More importantly, from one Blogger account, you can add multiple blogs and hence, it offers a blogger the opportunity to widen the offerings on the readers. It is a nifty feature and one that can come in quite handy if you want to branch out into different topics.


Last but not least, it is also extremely important to choose the right topic for the blog. The internet is a place that has a global audience running into billions and almost any topic or subject under the sun can command a considerable audience if everything clicks. Hence, there is no point in targeting any particular topic according to trends and instead, it is always better to go for a subject which you are passionate about.

That being said, it is necessary to keep in mind that there are certain subjects that are so popular that it may be very difficult for a new blog to get much traffic unless the content is absolutely top-notch. For instance, blogs about sports and politics are extremely popular. However, a blogger needs to bring a fresh perspective if his blog is to be noticed by the global online audience at large.

2. Create SEO Compliant Content

If you are looking to make steady earnings from your blog posts, you need to ensure that your blog site gets plenty of hits every day. A large audience and rising daily visitor counts are the two most important factors that are responsible for your earnings. While it is true that the choice of the right subject is a significant factor in this regard, it is also necessary to point out that SEO or search engine optimization is also a major factor when it comes to boosting the number of visitors to your blog.

As everyone knows, a website needs to have a decent rank in the Google search engine if it is to garner a lot of hits and SEO helps in achieving that. In case your blog is related to soccer, it should include the right keywords in the content and at the right proportion in order to ensure that it finds a top rank when those words are keyed into the search box. If your blog has a high rank, then it is almost sure to boost the number of visitors to your website and that will lead to more earnings through advertisements.

However, it is also absolutely imperative for the blogger to ensure that he chooses the right keywords to work on. In order to do this, you would need to do a lot of research on the ideal SEO strategy and then come up with the right keywords whenever you decide on a new blog post. There are plenty of SEO strategies you can go for and it is always better to be very well informed with regards to the best possible strategies to deploy.


There is plenty of information online with regards to the best ways of going about it. A robust SEO strategy is absolutely imperative if you want to earn money from your blog and do it is consistently over the long term. Most successful bloggers have such strategies in place.

Here are some of the basic SEO related things that you need to keep in mind.

Keep your titles short. This is vital because titles that exceed 70 characters will not show up in the search engine results. On the other hand, make sure that you use to link the content on your latest blog posts to older posts that have already been published. That way, your older posts will also generate hits and new visitors indefinitely.

Last but not least, you should not sacrifice your blog’s quality and your readers’ preferences for SEO. Firstly, you should come up with the topic about which you want to blog and once that is decided, you should start looking for the relevant keywords.

Additionally, the keywords should be embedded in the right flow so that it does not look too forced. On the other hand, ensure that the blog post is not littered with the same keywords. In such a scenario, the content goes for a toss and the reader is generally annoyed.

3. AdSense

AdSense is perhaps the most important cog in the wheel with regards to earning money through your blog. Anyone who wants to generate income through his blog must sign up for Google AdSense. However, in this regard, it is also necessary to point out that signing up on AdSense is not a cakewalk. The blog in question needs to be approved to be on AdSense and as such, a range of conditions have to be met for that to happen.

It is also important to point out that your blog is unlikely to get approval for AdSense straightaway. Most experts believe that only after a blog manages to draw some audience should the blogger apply for approval. Usually, it takes up to 6 months or more to garner page views and hence, it is perhaps prudent to wait for some months before applying.


The focus for the first few months should entirely be on content, SEO and traffic. Once the approval comes through, there are different ways to maximize the earnings through Google AdSense. Every year, bloggers make millions of dollars cumulatively through their Blogger blogs.

Earnings are highly unlikely to be anything great at the beginning but over a period of time, as the audience for the blog rises, you will going to see a bump in earnings. That being said, it never hurts to be proactive. To that end, you could read up more on the ways in which you could make AdSense work in your favour. There are many specific websites, online resources and podcasts that provide bloggers with the ways in which they can use AdSense to boost their incomes from blogs.

4. Sponsored Content

Last but not the least, sponsored content has now become one of the best ways of earning hefty sums. More and more businesses are now raising their budgets for digital marketing and in addition to social media, popular blogs have become an excellent avenue. Many businesses involved in a particular niche are now known to approach popular blogs that are connected to that space.

For instance, if your blog is about food recipes, then an appliance company might approach you to write a post about their latest cookery gadget. More often than not, blogs can generate significant incomes through these sponsored posts and nowadays, some of the most popular blogs are known for sponsored content for premium brands.

That being said, it is also necessary to keep in mind that sponsored content requests will not have come along immediately. It will happen only after a blog has created some sort of audience and is considered an authority on the particular niche in which it is involved.

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